Property Taxes

The 2024 Interim Tax Notice has been mailed out with the following due dates:

  • First Installment: February 26, 2024
  • Second Installment:  April 25, 2024

The 2024 Final Tax Notice due dates: 

  • First Installment: August 25, 2024
  • Second Installment:  October 25, 2024

The Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge offers a pre-authorized debit plan to its taxpayers as another option to pay property taxes as well as, cheques, debit, and credit card (with a 1.75% fee)

A pre-authorized debit (PAD) plan authorizes the Municipality to automatically withdraw funds from a bank account designated by the taxpayer for payment of taxes.

Three types of plans are offered:

  1. Tax installment withdrawn on the due date (4 times per year).
  2. Twelve monthly payments (equal payments of annual taxes).
  3. Arrears monthly payment plan (for accounts with arrears taxes to clear up).

Enrollment in PAD provides the following benefits:

  • No missed due dates
  • Easier budgeting
  • Savings on postage
  • No waiting in line

Fill out the PAD Agreement Form and send in or drop off at the Municipal Office along with a void cheque. For additional information on PAD, please contact the Treasurer at 807-935-2613 x 229 or

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit  or contact the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) Customer Contact Centre at 1-866-296-MPAC (6722), or 1-877-889-MPAC (6722).

Municipal Office
3250 Hwy 130
Rosslyn, ON P7K 0B1
T: (807) 935-2613
F: (807) 935-2161

Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Interim tax bills are sent out at the beginning of February with payments due at the end of February and the end of April. Following the passing of the budget, final tax bills are sent out at the beginning of August with payments due at the end of August and the end of October.

At the present time, no. However, you can pay by telephone or electronic banking. Call your bank to set up payments to the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge. When paying taxes by telephone or electronically through your bank, you must enter the roll number of your property, which is located on your tax bill beginning with the number 5808 as your account vendor number. Some banks require all of the numbers included in the roll number while others disregard the 5808 and use the remaining numbers.

You will receive a tax notification that your taxes have been paid by the bank.

Yes. However, all credit card payments must be done online via the Oliver Paipoonge website. Go to and click on the "Make a Payment" icon.

We accept post-dated cheques, debit card payments, money orders, personal cheques, and cash. Cheques may be left at either branch of the Provincial Alliance Credit Union for a fee set by the Credit Union. These cheques are forwarded to the Municipality on a regular basis. 

As of January 2018 the Municipality also offers a pre-authorized debit (PAD) payment option.

Interest is calculated at 1.25% monthly on any outstanding balance.

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) classifies and assesses all properties under the Assessment Act and regulations established by the Ontario Provincial Government. If you have questions concerning your assessment, Contact MPAC at 1-866-296-6722 or visit their website at

The Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge and some neighbouring local governments share the costs of some provincially required services. Examples of shared region-wide services are: Emergency Management Ontario, Thunder Bay District Health Unit, Thunder Bay District Social Services Board, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, Land Ambulance.

2018 Municipal Revenue & Expense Chart

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