Arsenic in Rosslyn Village Drinking Water System: UPDATE

Since March 9, 2023 the Rosslyn Village Drinking Water System has been subject to a Drinking Water Advisory (DWA) issued by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit (TBDHU) due to high levels of arsenic.  Under the DWA water is not to be consumed, even if it is boiled. 

The Municipality worked with Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA), Walkerton Clean Water Centre (WCWC), and other parties to find a solution to remove arsenic. That collaboration resulted after rigorous testing by WCWC in a plan to employ a chlorinated filtration treatment system.  Subsequently Kozar Engineering was engaged to design a system to be housed in the sea can that was purchased for the WCWC testing.

The design for the arsenic treatment process was submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) on March 12th, and it was approved and incorporated into our Drinking Water License on August 7th.

Anticipating MECP approval on May 14th the Municipality issued RFP 03-2024 for the supply, fabrication and installation of the chlorinated filtration treatment system.  On June 6th A. Villeneuve Mechanical Ltd. was awarded the job for $373,795 + HST. 

A. Villeneuve Mechanical Ltd. is scheduled to complete the fabrication of the system this month and do installation and commissioning of the system in the 1st week of November.  A 30-day trail period will occur after that to ensure the system functions properly and reduces arsenic levels below the acceptable threshold.  If the system works with MECP permission the system will go online.  We anticipate TBDHU will lift the DWA thereafter.

Once the system is operational the Municipality will issue another RFP to do carpentry and painting to complete the section between the water plant and the sea can.

Until the system is running the Municipality will continue to supply bottled water to users.

Council has not yet decided on the financing of the system. The Municipality is seeking funding to help offset its cost.


Wayne Hanchard

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